Monday, April 27, 2009

50 Blogging Ideas

What's the hardest thing about blogging? Coming up with fresh, new content! And you have to publish new posts frequently - twice a week at the very least - to keep readers interested and earn search engine love.

If you're feeling stuck, here is a list of 50 blogging ideas that are sure to inspire you to come up with new content for your blog. Most of the ideas can be used more than once, so you won't run out of blog posts for months to come.

And by the way, if you want to make more money from your blog, Blogger's Paycheck shows you how to make passive income from your blog without spending all day at it.

1. Special events - Relate your blog topic to a special event, national day of, or holiday.

2. News - Subscribe to Google news alert on your keywords and write about the latest news in your niche.

3. Book review.

4. Respond to a post on another blog in a niche similar or related to yours.

5. Blog milestone - Write about your blogging milestones, such as publishing your 100th post, getting your 1000th comment....

6. Niche heroes -Blog about a person who made a positive contribution in your niche.

7. Blog memes - Join in blog memes such as "Wordless Wednesday". There's at least one for every day of the week!

8. Product review - An excellent way to work in some affiliate links.

9. FAQs in your niche - Write a short Q & A based on FAQs about your niche.

10. Blog comment response - Write a long and expanded response to a comment on your blog.

11. Predict trends - What do you see happening in your niche in a year? 5 years?

12. Historical view - What was your niche in the past? Or what past event influenced your niche?

13. Top tips on any topic of interest to your readers.

14. Best of... - A good year ender, make a list of your best posts for the year.

15. Contests - Organize a contest for your blog readers, or make a list of contests your readers can join.

16. What I learned from... a current event, a person you met, or an experience you had.

17. Definitions - Define terms that are commonly used in your niche but a beginner may not understand

18. New products - Not a review but simply an announcement of a new product relevant to your niche. This is another good opportunity to drop in some affiliate links.

19. Biggest problem - Ask your readers what their biggest problem is about your blog topic or niche. They post their answers in the comments section.

20. Biggest problem follow up - Summarize the comments from #19 in another post.

21. Biggest problem follow up series - Write a separate blog post tackling each question from #19.

22. Interview somebody knowledgeable in your niche, or has succeeded in it, or is otherwise interesting to your readers.

23. Big list - Compile a big list of various resources, just like this one. The bigger the better!

24. Reader Survey - Put up a brief survey online and blog about the results.

25. Be provocative. Challenge a common belief or widely accepted idea in your niche.

26. New idea - What new idea about your blog topic or niche have you come across lately?

27. YouTube - Embed a funny, moving or insightful video on YouTube. You can even have a "video day" once a week.

28. YouTube version 2 - Make YOUR own YouTube video. Publish it on YouTube then embed on your blog. This way, you can attract traffic from YouTube to your blog.

29. Freebie - Scour the 'net for freebies that your readers will love. Or create a freebie of your own, such as a checklist or special report.

30. Personal story - Use a personal story to illustrate an important concept or principle in your niche.

31. Free to publish articles - Check out relevant articles in article directories such as Ezine Articles... but don't publish them entirely on your blog. Instead, use an article or a group of articles as your take-off point for a blog post, or several.

32. Link love - This is a post with links to other blogs. Some bloggers set aside one day a week to publish a list of the best blog posts on their topic.

33. Photo - A picture is worth thousand words, right? Search Flickr for creative commons pictures that your readers will like.

34. Hot topics - Look at Digg for hot topics in your niche

35. Pros and cons - Examine what's good and bad about something related to your blog topic

36. Respond to relevant questions you find in

37. Guest post - Invite another blogger to write a guest post for your blog

38. Reader's post - Invite blog subscribers to submit an article or post to be published on the blog

39. Inspirational post - Write a motivational post for your readers.

40. Update an old post with fresh ideas, new learnings and current research findings.

41. Beginner's guide - What do beginners in your niche struggle with? Write a post to guide them through it.

Best list - Patterned after "best dressed lists" make a list of the best ___ in your niche.

43. Worst list - Make your version of the "worst dressed list" for your niche.

44. New uses for - Think of new ways your readers can use gadgets and other stuff.

45. Write about a live event that you attended and what you learned from it.

46. Bribe post - Bribe your readers with a freebie in exchange for subscribing to your newsletter or RSS feed.

47. Around the world - Compare how people in different countries do something related to your niche.

48. Seasonal - Relate the month or season to your blog topic.

49. Blog carnival - Join or host a blog carnival, where several publish posts about the same topic on the same day.

50. Host a virtual "conference" on your blog - Invite "speakers" to publish their post on a specified date and time. Q&A happens in the comments section.

Now that you've got a steady flow of fresh content, how do you actually make money from your blog? Visit Blogger's Paycheck for a step-by-step guide on blogging for profit.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Driving Traffic To Your Blog

f you have a blog, you've probably realized that truckloads of traffic don't pour in from day one offering comments and criticisms of your carefully crafted prose. In fact, most bloggers are quite fortunate if they get traffic at all for a while without some kind of 'advertising'. This advertising can come in many shapes and forms but is vitally necessary if you are seeking growth for your blog.

Many people give up after only a few entries with no response without ever really realizing the potential that their blogs had. The problem is that the World Wide Web is a relatively infinite universe in which your words can be eternally lost. That is unless you provide people with a map for finding your words. In the world of the Internet, one good turn often deserves another. Visit blogs of other people, particularly those writing about similar things to which you are writing. Leave comments that are meaningful and valuable to the conversation at hand (not just hi I was here, come see my blog) and you will be surprised at how many visitors you will receive (not only from those bloggers, but also from people who read and subscribe to their blogs.

The Internet is a wonderful place for snowball effects. By visiting other blogs daily and spending at least twice as much time doing that as you spend working on your blog posts you will find that you are doing far better than many people at your stage in the blogging game. Also remember that it is a game to some degree. There are going to be people who do not agree with you and there are going to be those that violently oppose what you have to say. Take it all with a grain of salt and remember that the world is a big place and so is the Internet, move along to the next comment. Comments are a great way to build a base of readers (and they don't cost a penny).

Another way you can get visitors to your blog is by using keywords and optimizing your posts for those keywords, remember to use the keywords you want associated with your blog in the title as that is what is typically picked up. Keep keyword optimization in mind when creating categories for your blog as well. Each of these things works towards bringing in new traffic on a regular basis and is an important part of the process (keeping them coming back is up to you).

Pinging services are also a great way to announce to the world that you've updated, made changes, and added something new to your blog. Some blog software does this automatically, if you are using Blogger, you will need to subscribe to a pinging service. Many of these are free and the service they provide is priceless.

If you want your readers to keep coming back (and of course you do) offer them the opportunity to subscribe to your blog by adding RSS feeds. There are many free services and I recommend that you make use of each and every one of them.

These are just a few ways to bring traffic to your blog but will have you off to a fantastic start.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Turn Online Conversation into Currency

Web2.0 is key tool for Interaction and conversation is huge. It builds a relationship with your audience and can soon turn conversation into currency within your marketing efforts ! I show you how.

1. Reap and harvest!

One of the reasons why information marketing works so well. It based on the idea of reciprocity and is by giving out good quality information that benefits others, people naturally want to give back in return. Explore ways to promote the people who visit your blog, praise your community and engage them on their own blogs and sites. These are all ways to build a relationship that gives back. Share your experience though rather than just writing "great post!"

2. Join the conversation and build social proof

Nothing pulls people in more. Having a conversation online brings about a sense of community. Everyone wants to be part of a conversation rather than a monologue. It's a great way to get feedback from your audience and will help you know what their wants and needs are so that you can then go about fulfilling them. A flowing conversation online soon generates social proof. Social proof works on the premise that if everyone else is doing something then you're going to want to do it too.

3. Build a sense of community online!

there are many ways : posting comments at blogs, posting within online groups and forums such as those found on Facebook or by contributing to the conversation on Twitter.

So, take a moment to pick a few key people that you'd like to connect with and begin commenting at their blog and in response to their Twitter and Facebook posts. Keep it focused and consistent and I guarantee that you'll become part of a community that recognises you!

Try it! Take action now and tell me what you think. comments pls.

How To Get Visitors To Your Website

Is it possible to get infinite hits to your site, starting from scratch? First Of All this is not any trick as it is absolutely possible to do this. Next, never under value this visitor turnover as these people are extremely motivated who hold the biggest potential to become your future clients. The way I look at it is that these targeted visitors should be taken to some place.

Ideally this should be your web site and in case you do not yet own one, it is time to get one put up. With that being said, here are your 2 secret tricks to help you achieve this.

Search for keywords, which you can rule over

If the idea of spending a few hours a day on research does not excite you too much, you should listen to this. One of the things, which you simply cannot avoid, is research for keywords and this should be your number one priority. Obviously the alternative tip could be scanning the forums. Truthfully, for anyone from a novice level to intermediate (if you have less than 2,500 unique traffic hits to your internet site per month) you should go in this direction. Spending even 5 hours a week doing good thorough keyword research on long tail keywords that you can dominate is a healthy investment of your time.

You might want to beg to differ that you can employ someone to do this for you but you know your markets best. All you need to do is to put yourself in the shoes of your customer and think what phrases he or she would type to locate solutions on the internet for his/her typical problem and you could easily land up with 100 keywords in no time.

The most successful online strategy to generate huge traffic - writing.

I read in a book once that says authority simple means a breakdown of “authority”, which means you have to be some kind of writer online if you want to be successful in generating traffic. It is a fact that authors also make great speakers and some speakers are very highly paid, sometimes 1,000 an hour simply to speak on some subject.

In case you are in a dilemma whether it would be possible for you to write a small paragraph of content, read this. You can do it because you are already writing everyday just that you write it verbally. You are communicating verbally all the time, to your friends; fellow workers loved ones and even to your pet.

Secrets of becoming a writer

Start writing just the way you talk and soon you would find that you are actually writing traffic generating copy matter like press releases, articles and content for your site for SEO purposes. In no time, I’ll bet you will be able to take in more than 4,500 unique traffic hits to your website!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Affiliate marketer

You say your an affiliate marketer, but do you make a profit? Do you create your own programs to sell?

These are the most common questions I ask when I run into someone who claims to be an affiliate marketer. Affiliate marketing is one of the most sought after income makers on the internet. It seems to be the easiest way to earn an income without spending lots of money to get money in return.

How Can That Be?

I have tried hundreds of opportunities only to find out that most of them are crap. 99% of the opportunities I have tried turned out to be a flop. Most of them are created by finding things on the internet that already exist, reselling something that already exist and then trying to market them to someone who has not yet found it.

Here’s an example,

How To Profit Google Adwords

Producing Videos That Sell

How To Market Successfully On Ebay

I made $1,000,000.00 From Home

I Made $10,000 While Sleeping

Sound familiar? It should because those are the most popular headlines on the internet today. Most of the programs sell you promises that play on your emotions, and once you join you are given information that is just enough to make you think you got a bargain and not want a refund, but not enough information to really give you the answers to help you succeed and make a profit. I have found this to be the main fault with 99% of most internet affiliate programs today.

These programs sound very promising to you because they promise to make you lots of money and take you to financial freedom. Lead pages get you into believing their story of being broke, almost getting a divorce, the dog ran away and hopefully it will play into yours. Once you do, you are programed to click the buy button upon believing this is the one that is going to take you into financial freedom.

This is so easy anyone can do it.

Your emotions play an important role in getting you to click the buy button. That is why most internet marketers use them. Stop and think for a moment before you click the buy button and ask yourself, are you buying this program for the knowledge you will receive, or because you have been in the same sad story.

After failing at lots of opportunities I set out on a quest to find 3 Real Programs, with Real Products. These 3 programs must hold up to their promise of teaching me something that really does work.

What I have discovered on my journey about affiliate marketing programs is that if the sales page starts out with How Broke, Lost My Car, A Miracle Happen, Discovered, Secrets Revealed or similar statements, chances are you are aiming for a failure. In my opinion, if they have to play on your emotions to sell their product, it is probably not worth the investment.

Now if on the other hand the program avoids all the hype and starts out explaining powerful features of the program they are selling, the benefits of the program, and what it can do for you, chances are you are really going to learn something that could be profitable to you. You have to really do you homework to find programs that really work. The best part is that once you do find a good program, you can actually use it to make money.

After a loss of $5000 I finally found 3 programs that really proved to me they were worth buying. Luckily these programs were really top notch. They had everything I needed to succeed in making money. The program really had legitimate material I could benefit from. They actually showed me the proper way to make money.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Work From Home Singaporeans Community

Work From Home Singaporeans Community

Hi there,

I just chanced upon a REALLY cool site called Work From Home Singaporeans and I think you should check it out too:

Here's the thing.. I just read in the newspaper that more jobs are going to be axed for the next 6 months.

Many people I know have been to find extra forms of employment and income, so as to make sure that they can continue providing food on the table.

But it isn’t easy finding extra jobs when nobody is hiring and companies are cutting costs.

Then it daunted to me, so why not work from home?

Now that offline sources of income are gradually diminishing, it’s definitely time to explore the options of earning income online.

And that's when I discovered this while randomly surfing online for Work From Home Opportunities:


And I honestly feel what my two friends Calvin & Patricia has done is indeed very noble. With "Work From Home Singaporeans", they've set up an awesome community where they reveal one proven online money making strategy every 1-2 weeks.

You'll also get to listen to interviews with other successful work from home Singaporean entrepreneurs so you can model after their success formula.

On top of that, you get to make new friends and have fun while you learn at the same time.

Really, the amount of value you'll receive from this awesome membership
site is tremendous and you will have ALOT to benefit from it.


Oh, did I mention that it's completely FREE to sign up?

Yes, it sounds insane but it's true!

But I'm not sure when Calvin & Patricia is going to start charging for this, as they want to limit the members so they can devote their time fully on them.

So you have to hurry if you don't wish to miss out on this incredible
opportunity to learn how to become a successful Work From Home entrepreneur!

Sign up for your account at this brand new Internet Marketing Singapore community now: